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The dual-chamber piston can system
for the highest standards and flexibility.

A Product of
Zima - Systems GmbH


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Transfer - The Steinbeis Magazine


Steinbeis: Four times a year we like to keep clients and Steinbeis colleagues up to date with our Transfer Magazine - a chance to look behind the scenes on stimulating projects encountered throughout the Steinbeis Network, getting under the skin of issues in the field of research and development, updating everyone on the latest centers to join the network and enabling everyone to keep their finger on the pulse of Steinbeis: innovative technologies, ground-breaking methods, specific problems to specific briefs and the success of transfer in everyday business.

Zima-Kolben Publication (Transfer Magazine 01/2010)
Steinbeis Transfer Magazine 01/2010
Steinbeis Transfer Magazine 01/2010 (PDF)

Environmental awareness

Innovative technology for a clean environment.

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